
Old Town HOG Chapter #5039

Whether you are new to the Tampa area or just new to the Harley-Davidson experience, welcome!

H D of Tampa Bay Logo

Don Jose Mexican Restaurant – Sebring, KSU @ 9am from Wawa (Boyette @ Boyette), 76 mi, 1 RS, 2.5 hrs., RC Harry Werner

02.16.2025 9:00 am - 11:30 am


If the weather is nice, there is outdoor seating overlooking Lake Jackson (Sebring).  Hey Edi: LOC on this ride!  That's "Lots of Cows" for the uninformed!

KSU = Kick Stands Up

Arrive 30 minutes prior to KSU with a full tank.

This allows you time to check in with the Road Captain, receive a ride sheet, and attend the important pre-ride meeting.