
Old Town HOG Chapter #5039

Whether you are new to the Tampa area or just new to the Harley-Davidson experience, welcome!

H D of Tampa Bay Logo

ICE CREAM CRAWL - A Progressive Ride, KSU @ 11am from WaWa, 2604 US-301 125mi, 4rs, 4hrs - HRC Walter Schneider

09.24.2023 11:00 am - 3:00 pm


ICE CREAM CRAWL  A Progressive Ride  This ride will include many stops for ice cream.  We will also enjoy a stop for a quick bite for lunch.  This ride is only about the ice cream and not so much the route so plan on some open-road riding.  Bring your Sunpass. KSU @11am from WaWa, 2604 US-301 125mi, 4rs, 4hrs - HRC Walter Schneider

KSU = Kick Stands Up

Arrive 30 minutes prior to KSU with a full tank.

This allows you time to check in with the Road Captain, receive a ride sheet, and attend the important pre-ride meeting.